Behind the Scenes

Ever wonder what your favorite etsy shops do when they get orders? Probably not. Some have everything preassembled/made. Some deal with custom orders. As evidenced by the first photo, not everything is preassembled. Most of my charm bracelets are assembled unless it's a repeat order like the Percy Jackson charm bracelets tend to be. Instead the charms are sorted. A chain is added. It all goes into a small ziplock bag. Then I wait knowing how many I have available to make and sell. Sometimes I talk in short, choppy sentences. When one gets ordered I find the relevant baggie and dump everything in my work surface. Charms are lined up in order. Jump rings are pulled out of my supply box. My trusty green mini pilers are located. I settle in for the five minutes it takes to assemble. It takes longer to design the charm bracelet. Hours - literally hours - are gone into planning, finding, and buying charms. These particular charms, and th...