One Pot Dishes #2

Maybe I should change my name to the Pinterest Blogger. No. I agree. I’ll remain An Overthinker. Makes more sense for me really if anybody else cares to think about it; too much thinking for me. So, dinner meals in the house are getting a little stale. Not literally, but there have been a lot of repeats lately. I really should take on a more active stance in the kitchen, but every single time I try to make something I get usurped and my recipe gets replaced with another recipe that is nothing like that I was going for. It’s usually more complicated too. I end up leaving the kitchen and vowing to make another attempt later. Or I make suggestions and nobody says, “Yes! Try that!” It’s always ‘meh’ or a shoulder shrug. Or a kitchen take over. Makes for a frustrated overthinker. One of these, ‘meh, I don’t know’ recipes was for One-Pan Enchilada Pasta. So I waited until nobody ...