The Importance of Following a Recipe: Making a Smoothie

            So, anybody that pays the slightest attention to my blog or gets to see my Pinterest pins knows how much time (or sometimes how little time) I spent on that site.  Sometimes something catches my attention and I add it to the ever increasing “to try” pile for things or recipes.  I really should divide my boards up into more specific things.  Like desserts.  Healthy.  Party foods.  Really, though, who has time for that stuff?  I don’t spend THAT much time on Pinterest.  (Looks away for a moment.) 
            Okay, really, everything gets put into the generic “Recipes to Try” regardless of healthy, dessert, snack foods, etc because I know that if it is a food item it will be on one board.  Sometimes I even get other ideas that are only slightly related to the item that was pinned and I hope that I remember what the idea was later. 
            I’m lazy.  I don’t like changing the captions on the pins.  I don’t write down the blogs that I intend to directly after I’ve fix whatever it was that I was intending to blog about.  Shoot, I even make a TO-DO list for the year instead of resolutions and one of them was to post a blog every Saturday.  Right, that’s happened.  I also put down to get organized, make one creative object a week (those following the Facebook page know that I’m decently good about doing that one), do yoga 4 times a week, and to find one geocache a day. 
            Right, that’s also happened.  Well, I was sick for 2 weeks; that got me off of the yoga.  Has anybody else been paying attention to the weather?  I’m not going geocaching in that!  I’m lucky that I managed to get a first to find on the geocache that is five feet from my backyard. 

Anyway, enough excuses.  It’s time to explain the title.

The Importance of Following a Recipe. 

Anybody that actually read the above can note my good intentions on following my To-Do lists.  To-Do lists could be considered a recipe for life…right?  Yeah, didn’t really think so.  They just keep things organized which is helpful for life. 

What did I make?  A smoothie. 

Where’s the recipe?  I didn’t use one. 

Yes, please think, “Uh oh.” 

There’s so many pins with smoothie recipes.  Easy right.  Get the ingredients and most importantly, follow the recipe.  If it calls for 2 tablespoons of peanut butter use 2 tablespoons of peanut butter. 

I did blend together two recipes to make one.  I just didn’t measure.  Much.

So…I used

2 Frozen bananas – peel them first, trust me; freeze two hours.  Handle sparingly.  Here’s some potassium which is good for preventing muscle cramps.
5 sliced Stawberries – remove the caps. I believe this is an antioxidant, which is good for you.  The amount of strawberries isn’t important and if you can’t have strawberries feel free to leave them out. 

2 tablespoons peanut butter – this is your protein.  Don’t add more.  Seriously, don’t add more.  This is what helps fill you up, but too much will give the smoothie an overpowering peanut butter taste.  Unless you like peanut butter and don’t care that you’ll not want to finish your smoothies. 

About 1 cup of Almond milk – not as fattening as real milk.  I have a milk allergy, but regular milk or yogurt can be used.  More or less to adjust the consistency depending on how think you like your smoothie. 

Makes about a half of a blenders worth.  Or two 8 ounce servings, I think.   

Okay, I’ll go and type up some actual recipe blogs.  If I can find the original recipes again…


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