
Showing posts from June, 2017

DIY Shirt How To - Screen Printing and Heat Transfer Vinyl

In your head you have this amazing shirt design idea.  Or you keep looking for a shirt you love, but either can't find what you are looking for or it isn't exactly what you want.  Maybe the font is wrong or something.    And you can't help but thinking... I want to try to design and make my own shirt.  If anybody is considering making their own shirts and not using drop shippers, this post might be for you. First off you'll need the Supplies : - Shirts. Obviously.  Some places you can find blank shirts for as little as $2 (closer to $3-5 in most places, or you can get them on sale.  Joann's seems to have periods of time where you can get 3 for $9, 4 for $10, or even 5 for $10!  Hobby Lobby sells for around $4 each.  I've even seen them at Walmart for $2 (sizes and colors are extremely limited)! I can't tell you Michael's prices - the nearest store is over an hour away.   - Your preferred method of designing the shirts. Do...

Introducing - Bookworm Quotes

As previously posted, I started making some decisions. I'm nearing my four year Etsy anniversary mark (3 year for first order) and for the past year I've been playing around with coffee mugs, tote bags, and shirts, but getting discouraged when they get lost among the jewelry that is so prevalent in the A Bookworm Creates shop. I'm proud to announce the opening of Bookworm Quotes (see the pages bar for the link to the Etsy shop.) At some point I'll also be offering them on Ebay and possibly a blog shop. Later I might expand more, but the bulk of Bookworm Quotes will shirts, tote bags, coffee mugs, and pillow cases - anything that I can think to put a book quote on! There might even be some book page flowers and book marks popping up. Among these changes, you might have noticed that my links have changed. Most of the social media accounts (mainly Twitter and Instagram) profile links refer back to here. Why? Better access to all shops - both Etsy, Ebay, a...

Pondering Future Endeavors

I'm sitting here watching a forum post count down how many Etsy shops are leaving due to not accepting Etsy Payments.  (Note* PayPal only shops, not mind) It has me thinking.  I'm bound to be thinking.  For months I've been playing with the idea of t-shirts.  It's an idea that several people have approved of over social media or just outright telling me.  I have my Cricut.  I have my screen printing gear.  I have shirts, a pillow case cover, and bags.  And coffee mugs.  Watch out for some big changes.  My four year Etsy shop anniversary is coming up along with the 3 year anniversary of my first online order.  Might be time to add something else.  Alicia