Mini Mixed Berry Scones

Scones I love scones! Scones scones scones There are just so many types to try. Cheesy. Fruity. Cinnamon and sugar. And the abundance of recipes that can be found online! On Pinterest! So I went fruity scone hunting and found the perfect recipe. It isn't dry. You can find the original recipe here -> I did make three adjustments: self-rising flour instead of plain, cinnamon and dried fruit. Why? 1. Self-rising flour already contains salt and baking powder. 2. Cinnamon adds an additional flavor note to the dough. 3. I've used frozen berries and as soon as I started working with it the berries thawed and the juice stained the dough. I had purple scones. The Recipe Mixed Berry Sc ones Ingredients: 2 cups Self-rising flour 1 stick of butter (not softened) 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 tablespoon cinnamon (more or less to taste) 1 large egg 1/2 cup sour cream 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 - 1/2 cu...