Valentine's Day Movie Ideas for Bookworms

Thinking about what to do with your bookwormish significant other?

You don't have to take her out to eat. 

Consider cooking dinner for her! Pinterest gives you so many options (do I need to do a dinner blog post later?)

While you are eating you can be watching one of the many movies based on books that are available. 

Except Eragon. Don't watch Eragon. Seriously. Don't do it.

My recommendations?

Almost anything Disney.  Sleeping Beauty. Beauty and the Beast. The Lion King. Go rogue and find a copy of the under-appreciated The Black Cauldron. Cinderella (animated or live-action).  The Little Mermaid.  It's Disney.  You really can't go wrong.

Unless she hates one of them.  Snow White for example isn't my favorite, but that's just me. 

The Princess Bride.  Never seen it? Well fix that mistake. Love. Sword fighting. Kidnapping. Poisoning. Murder. Death. As young Fred Savage said, "Is this a kissing book?"  No, this isn't a kissing book/movie, but your sweetheart will love it.

And if she doesn't then there might be something wrong.  I'm not saying break up with her (or him), but... there are people who love The Princess Bride and there are people who don't.  I'd rather have someone in my life who loves it. This is another under-appreciated cult classic.

Jane Austen.

Pride and Prejudice - bonus points for your Janette if it's the one with Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle.  Unless your girl likes the other version better...

Either version of Sense and Sensibility.

Aim for BBC versions - they are closer to the book.

Harry Potter movie marathon!  Stock up on the popcorn and other snacks. 

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. 

While not a perfect book to movie adaptation, it's not bad. And it has Alan Rickman as Marvin. Also, Douglass Adams wrote both the book and the movie and the radio show.


Period dramas based on your bookworm's favorite novels. Don't watch Wuthering Heights if she hates the book.

If she isn't a romantic drama/comedy person, pick her favorite movie. If you don't know her favorite movie then find out.

There are movies available if you can't stomach romantic comedies/drama. *See Hitchhiker's Guide, The Princess Bride

Then bring out the popcorn, snacks, drinks. Find a nice cozy blanket, sofa, etc.

Valentine's Day doesn't have to be expensive.  It's the thought that counts.

Unless you are dating a high maintenance girl that HAS to be seen out on February 14th.  In that case you just wasted you time. Good luck getting your restaurant reservation.



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