Don't Forget the Past - Current Events

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." - George  Santayana

It doesn't matter what side of the 'debate' you are on (and I'm not about starting one here - all debating comments will be deleted, neutral I'll consider keeping) but at what point does 'removing' history stop?

Let's remove all literature about the Civil War.

But wait...what about the Japanese internment camps during WWII? Let's remove/shut down all WWII memorials before they offend the Japanese - Americans whose families were forced to give up their property and live in those camps regardless of their allegiances.

Let's remove all Native American memorials dare we remember the atrocities that the U.S. Government forced (and still are - think reservations) upon them.  That's a huge, nasty chunk of history.

Shut down the Alamo? Crush Mt. Rushmore? The Liberty Bell? Boston Harbor where we commited treason against the British government for raising taxes and making things even more difficult to rise above the increasing oppression.    

Some people are offended by science - let's close all of the museums. Religion - churches. 

Let us all forget about the past and remove every single little (and big) thing that offends us. Let us be brainwashed minions that can't think for ourselves, glued to our smartphones and tablets, waiting for the next approved piece of literature, television show, movie, music, and newscast.

Goodbye, The Three Musketeers because of your tale of overcoming a corrupted government.  Farewell, The Walking Dead for preparing people how to survive the zombie apocalypse that science and the FDA was unable to prevent. Adios, the Hunger Games and every movie that shows corruption in the higher ranks of power. So long to the music that speaks to artists, that inspires them to create images, words, worlds, and new technologies.

Hello, Biased News Feed that tells only one side of the story. Oh...right...we've already "allowed" that one in.  News Media that tells one side of the story when the other side can't actually comment.  Greetings, Arts and Literature that tell no tales and incite no real emotions. Nice to meet you, Movies and Television that provide distractions to redirect attention away from the real issues that are happening in the world.

I could go on and on.

Read a history book, preferably one that doesn't come from an Elementary or Middle school classroom. History is much more complicated than the simplified versions that are given due to time constraints in the classroom.

Or just read a book. A classic book. American literature. British. French. German. Irish. Canadian. There's even some good historical fiction out there where the authors did their research.  You can even find historical romances where the authors did their research. (I'll admit, a guilty pleasure of mine when I need a brain break.)

Watch some documentaries. Youtube. Netflix. BBC. Some older The History Channel. (No, Swamp People don't count.) Might want to stay away from TLC (unless you've done the aforementioned and need a brain break).

Don't forget our own country's history because it's uncomfortable. We were founded on uncomfortable.

Don't forget our country's history because otherwise we'll be doomed to repeat it and some of it really shouldn't be repeated.


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